Bella at the Guildhall

On Sunday last, January 29th., Bella attended the Early Piano Workshop for the second time. We arrived at 10am and had a warm welcome, meeting up with other children she had been with last year and at Bryanston Summer School, and also some of her summer school teachers. It is always lovely to meet with other Suzuki families and teachers. It gives us all an opportunity to renew our enthusiasm for what we are doing.
Bella had an individual lesson within a small group so all the children had the opportunity of observing each other. This was followed by a Dalcroze (physical music in concepts) large group lesson where all the children had great fun participating in working on dynamics. Bella was able to lead her smaller group and conduct them in their final performance. After this session Bella played in the Concert Hall on a big black shiny grand piano and gave a wonderful performance of Christmas Day Secrets. We were so proud of her and her confidence.